On Saturday 23rd March, 2024 the 93rd Martyrdom Day of Shaheed Comrade Bhagat Singh / others freedom fighters Comrade Rajguru Hy & Comrade Sukhdev was celebrated.

Participants from Asia Commune Pakistan including Workers Solidarity Federation , Youth , Human Rights Activists including working journalists etc. Program arranged venue at the Arts Council Pakistan Karachi City. Mr. William Sadiq as moderator given an concise introduction about Baghat Singh day while Mr. Gul M. Mangi of WSF eleberated in detail of death penalty prcocess against freedom fighters of subcontinent Asia in context of IMF Involvement in third world.

Others speakers and prominent personalities were Ms. Iffat Shahid (Journalist), Ms Zareen Ghani (Educationist), Senior Journalists Mr. Ajmal Malik , Ali Memon, Mr. Nadeem Sibtain Artist, Mr. Rana Rooshaan, (Revolutionary Poet) Mr, Qadir Azam, Mr. Majrooh Kalani, Mr. Ladoo ,

Mr. Ismail Soomro and Nawaz Arain (foundation member Asia Commune Pakistan Chapter). Mr. Nawaz Arain brief about vision / mission of Asia Commune, Currently Activities/ responsibilities of Head Quarter regarding website, socialist agenda, social media networking etc, around world particularly working class communities. He also described future plan of action in context of IMF role to imposed imperialism processing to Asian countries as experiment in Sri Lanka ,

Pakistan etc. All participants agreed vision / mission of Asia Commune in context of unity of socialist perspective.

There were revolutionary poetry presented by Mr. Rana Rooshaan & Nadeem Sibtain. Vote of Thanks by Mr. William Sadiq to participants (Comrades) with Red Saloute to Comrade Baghat Singh and all freedom fighters.
by Nawaz Arain Pakistan.