Together We Can
Build a World Where All are Equal & Safe
Asia Commune
Political Practice Areas
Political Economy
The concept of development includes the role of governments, relationship between entrepreneurship and political power, the national consequences of regional integration, the effects of political power & changes in Asian societies which include living standards, social inequalities, migration, ecology, urbanisation and transformation of agrarian societies etc…
Social Democracy
A majority of Asian countries do not have Social democracy. Some of them are authoritarian regimes. The political power is saturated with corruption. The states are effectively used by the elites as an instrument to suppress the opposition. Ideologically progressive organisations and mass movements are not widespread, which diminishes the possibility of creating the popular democratic movements…
The environment is a social & political construct. Many environmental concerns fail to respect by their governments and elites in Asia. We are particularly at risk to weather extremes exacerbated by climate change. The most parts of Asia, the environment has been conflated with natural resources. These resources are exploited and the benefits are extracted by the privileged few. The pollution and other negative externalities are affected to the majority who are the less powerful. Therefore, the environment in Asia is linked to issues of justice, inequality and social activism.
Social Justice & Equality
Promoting Social justice, equality and eliminating al type of discriminations are essential to achieving real human life in Asia. Extending and promoting social justice systems and equality within the all aspect of social life in Asia are essential. Therefore, we need to campaign for equality in all aspects of social life including workplaces, government offices and within the family life.
Freedom & Human Rights
There are growing number of struggles in Asia demanding basic human rights, freedom of expression and democracy. They were crackdown by authoritarian governments & their forces. These abuses of power in Asia are going to produce disastrous consequences for whole world.
Art &Culture
The development of Asia can vary depending on their history, Culture, politics and level of environmental issues. Asia is a region currently experiencing a great cultural, economical and social evolution. Therefore we should push this evolution in a democratic direction by mobilising and building solidarity within oppressed communities within Asia.
‘Who we are’
The Asia Commune is an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, non-elitist and egalitarian community of progressive social, political, environmental and cultural activists who stand for freedom, democracy, social justice and equality for the oppressed, exploited and discriminated peoples of Asia. We stand in solidarity with the peoples’ struggles against all forms of oppression, exploitation and discrimination: for the Commune, there is no hierarchical order of peoples’ struggles; we give each and every struggle of the oppressed, exploited and discriminated peoples equal recognition.
ஒடுக்கப்படும், சுரண்டப்படும் மற்றும் பாரபட்சப்படுத்தப்படும் ஆசிய மக்களின் சமத்துவத்திற்கான; சுதந்திரம், ஜனநாயகம் மற்றும் சமூக நீதிக்கான; முதலாளித்துவம் மற்றும் சர்வாதிகாரம் இவற்றிற்கு எதிரான முற்போக்கு, சமூக, கலாச்சார, சுற்றாடல், அரசியல் செயற்பாட்டாளர்களை உள்ளடக்கும் சமூகமே ‘ஆசிய கொம்யூன்’ ஆகும். சகல ஒடுக்குமுறை, சுரண்டல் மற்றும் பாகுபாட்டுக்கு எதிரான மக்களின் போராட்டங்களுடன் நாமும் தோளோடு தோள் கொடுத்து இணைந்து நிற்கிறோம்.
ආසියා කොමියුනය යනු ආසියාවේ පීඩිත, සූරාකෑමට ලක්වූ සහ අඩු සැලකීමට ලක්වී ඇති ජනයා සඳහා නිදහස, ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදය, සමාජ සාධාරණත්වය සහ සමානාත්මතාවය වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටින ප්රගතිශීලී සමාජ, දේශපාලන, පාරිසරික හා සංස්කෘතික ක්රියාකාරීන්ගෙන් සමන්විත, ධනපති විරෝධී, අධිකාරී විරෝධී, ප්රභූ වාදයට විරුද්ධවූ, සමානාත්මතාවය මත ක්රියා කරන ප්රජාවකි. සෑම ආකාරයකම හිංසනය, සූරාකෑම සහ අඩු සැලකිලි දැක්ම්වවීම්වලට එරෙහි ජනතා අරගල සමඟ අපි සහයෝගයෙන් සිටිමු: කොමියුනය තුළ, ජනතාවගේ අරගලවල ධූරාවලියක් නොමැත; පීඩිත, සූරාකෑමට ලක් වූ සහ අඩු සැලකිල්ලට ලක්වී ඇති මිනිසුන්ගේ සෑම අරගලයකටම අපි සමාන පිළිගැනීමක් ලබා දෙන්නෙමු.

About Asia Commune
What people say
In Sri Lanka, too, the space provided for democratic struggles is being systematically abolishing. Today, the government has lost control of the country. Control of the production of goods, pricing of commodities and wages of the labour are in the hands of companies. The national resource of the country are selling at the behest of the brokers of those companies. Opponents are locked up in prisons. Free education and health care, which have not been sold due to public protests, are being sold to the private sector. Only the army and police are under government control. It is also for the benefit of the company owners to suppress the people who oppose their actions.
This situation is common in many poor countries. The struggling people are demanding an alternative solution to the situation. Opinions which suggests reforms to the capitalist system without overthrowing it are very popular. But the Covid 19 epidemic has dispelled all these myths. It has been proved that the issues of masses cannot be solved by such reforms to the bourgeoisie system. Today there is room for an alternative left. Now it is time to launch a strategy to seize power to the hands of the oppressed. Indian farmers have set a good example for us. People in other countries have different kinds of experiences. What is needed today is a medium to share these experiences and gather the experiences of those struggles. Today there is a need for a political movement which liberate working people from the bourgeoise political parties. It is our hope that the “Asian Commune” will meet that need.
Wijepala Weerakoon
ලංකාව තුලද ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදී ලෙස අරගලවලට සැලසී තිබූ ඉඩ කඩ ක්රමාණුකූලව අහෝසිකරමින් පවතී. අද රටේ පාලනය ආණ්ඩුවෙන් ගිලිහී අවසන්ය මේ වන විට භාණ්ඩ නිෂ්පාදනය, භාණ්ඩවල මිල නියම කිරීම, ශ්රමයේ මිල නියම කිරීම ආදී සෑම කටයුත්තක්ම සමාගම් හිමියන්ගේ පාලනයේ පවතී. රටේ පවතින ජාතික සම්පත් සමාගම්වල තැරැව්කරුවන්ගේ අවශ්යතාවය මත විකිණෙමින් පවතී. ඒවාට විරුද්ධවන්නන් සිපිරිගෙවල්වලට ගාල් කරති. ජනතා විරෝධය නිසා නොවිකිණී පවතින නිදහස් අධ්යාපනය සහ සෞඛ්යය සේවය පුද්ගලික අංශයට විකුණමින් ඇත. රජයේ පාලනය යටතේ පවතින්නේ හමුදාවන් සහ පොලිසි පමණි. එයද සමාගම් හිමියන්ගේ අවශ්යතාවය පිණිස ඔවුන්ගේ ක්රියාවලට විරුද්ධවන ජනතාව මර්ධනයටය.
මෙම තත්වය බොහෝ දුගී රටවලට පොදුය. එම තත්වයට විකල්ප විසඳුමක් අරගලවල යෙදෙන ජනතාව ඉල්ලා සිටිති. ධනපති ක්රමය පෙරලා නොදමා එයට ප්රතිසංස්කරණ සිදු කිරීම ප්රමාණවත් යයි සිතන මතවාදයන් ඉතා ජනප්රියය. නමුත් කොරෝනා වසංගතය මෙම මිත්යාවන් සියල්ල අහෝසි කර දමා ඇත. එසේ ධනපති ක්රමයට කරන ප්රතිසංස්කරණවලින් ලෝකය ගොඩගත නොහැකි බව ඔප්පු වී හමාරය. අද විකල්ප වමකට ඉඩ විවර වී ඇත. දැන් ඇත්තේ පීඩිතයන් අතට බලය ලබා ගැනීමේ උපාය මාර්ග දියත් කිරීමය. ඉන්දියානු ගොවියන් අපට හොඳ ආදර්ශයක් පෙන්වා ඇත. තවත් රටවල ජනතාව වෙනත් ආකාරයේ අත්දැකීම් ලබා ඇත. මෙම අත්දැකීම් හුවමාරු කර ගන්නා අතරම එම අරගල සහ අත්දැකීම් ඒකරාශි කරන මාධ්යයක් අද අවශ්යව ඇත. ධනපති දේශපාලන පක්ෂ වටා ගොනු වී සිටින වැඩ කරන ජනතාව ඒවායින් ගලවා ගන්නා දේශපාලන ව්යාපාරයක් අද දින අවශ්යව ඇත. Asian Commune එම අවශ්යතාව සපුරනු ඇතැයි අපේ අපේක්ෂාවයි.
විජේපාල වීරකෝන්, ශ්රී ලංකාව
இலங்கையிலும், ஜனநாயகப் போராட்டங்களுக்கு வழங்கப்பட்ட இடம் முறையாக ஒழிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. இன்று, அரசாங்கம் நாட்டின் கட்டுப்பாட்டை இழந்துவிட்டது. பொருட்களின் உற்பத்தி கட்டுப்பாடு, பொருட்களின் விலை நிர்ணயம் மற்றும் தொழிலாளர்களின் ஊதியம் ஆகியவை நிறுவனங்களின் கைகளில் உள்ளன. நாட்டின் தேசிய வளம் அந்த நிறுவனங்களின் தரகர்களின் உத்தரவின் பேரில் விற்கப்படுகிறது. எதிரிகள் சிறைகளில் அடைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். பொதுமக்களின் போராட்டங்களால் விற்கப்படாத இலவசக் கல்வி மற்றும் சுகாதாரப் பராமரிப்பு தனியாருக்கு விற்கப்படுகிறது. இராணுவம் மற்றும் காவல்துறை மட்டுமே அரசாங்கத்தின் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் உள்ளன. நிறுவன உரிமையாளர்கள் தங்கள் செயல்களை எதிர்க்கும் மக்களை அடக்குவதும் நன்மைக்காகவே.
இந்த நிலைமை பல ஏழை நாடுகளில் பொதுவானது. போராடும் மக்கள் நிலைமைக்கு மாற்று தீர்வு கோருகின்றனர். முதலாளித்துவ அமைப்பை வீழ்த்தாமல் சீர்திருத்தங்களை பரிந்துரைக்கும் கருத்துக்கள் மிகவும் பிரபலமாக உள்ளன. ஆனால் கோவிட் 19 தொற்றுநோய் இந்த கட்டுக்கதைகள் அனைத்தையும் அகற்றிவிட்டது. முதலாளித்துவ அமைப்பில் இத்தகைய சீர்திருத்தங்களால் மக்களின் பிரச்சினைகளை தீர்க்க முடியாது என்பது நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இன்று ஒரு மாற்று இடது இடம் உள்ளது. ஒடுக்கப்பட்டவர்களின் கைகளுக்கு அதிகாரத்தைக் கைப்பற்றுவதற்கான ஒரு உத்தியைத் தொடங்க வேண்டிய நேரம் இது. இந்திய விவசாயிகள் எங்களுக்கு ஒரு நல்ல முன்மாதிரி. மற்ற நாடுகளில் உள்ள மக்களுக்கு பல்வேறு வகையான அனுபவங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த அனுபவங்களைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளவும், அந்தப் போராட்டங்களின் அனுபவங்களைச் சேகரிக்கவும் ஒரு ஊடகம் தான் இன்று தேவை. இன்று முதலாளித்துவ அரசியல் கட்சிகளிடமிருந்து உழைக்கும் மக்களை விடுவிக்கும் ஒரு அரசியல் இயக்கம் தேவை. “ஆசிய கம்யூன்” அந்த தேவையை பூர்த்தி செய்யும் என்பது எங்கள் நம்பிக்கை.
விஜேபால வீரகோன்
Some common factors such as political instability, poverty, communal rights, discrimination on the basis of caste, unemployment and low economic status of the people are the main factors. One-third of the world’s labour force is in South Asian countries, as well as one-third of unemployment in these countries. The need for women empowerment is also a big issue. So the aim of the Asian commune is equal, peace and prosperous, classless society, so all these countries have to come together for the betterment of the society.
Yakub Mohammed, India
कुछ सामान्य कारक जैसे राजनीतिक अस्थिरता, गरीबी, सांप्रदायिक अधिकार, जाति के आधार पर भेदभाव, बेरोजगारी और लोगों की निम्न आर्थिक स्थिति मुख्य कारक हैं । दुनिया की एक तिहाई श्रम शक्ति दक्षिण एशियाई देशों में है और साथ ही एक तिहाई बेरोजगारी भी इन देशों में ही है। महिला सशक्तिकरण की आवश्यकता भी एक बड़ा मुद्दा है।
अत: एशियाई कम्यून का उद्देश्य समान, शांति और समृद्ध, वर्गविहीन समाज है, इसलिए इन सभी देशों को समाज की बेहतरी के लिए एक साथ आना होगा ।
Yakub Mohammed, India
Commune is a French word meaning to live together. Especially people living together with the same political philosophy, thoughts and actions. This is called a commune. “Asia Commune” is a collective platform of the people of the Asian continent. “Creating a non-discriminatory, egalitarian democratic way of life” for the people of the region, taking into account the diverse life forms and views of the people
Abul Hossain, Bangladesh
কমিউন একটি ফরাসি শব্দ যার অর্থ একসাথে বসবাস করা। বিশেষ করে একই রাজনৈতিক দর্শন, চিন্তা ও কর্মের সাথে একসাথে বসবাসকারী মানুষ। একে কমিউন বলা হয়। “এশিয়া কমিউন” হল এশীয় মহাদেশের মানুষের একটি সম্মিলিত প্লাটফর্ম। এই অঞ্চলের মানুষের জন্য “একটি বৈষম্যহীন, সমতাভিত্তিক গণতান্ত্রিক জীবনধারা তৈরি করা”, জনগণের বিভিন্ন জীবনধারা এবং দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি বিবেচনায় নিয়ে এই লক্ষ্যে, এই অঞ্চলে সর্বস্তরের মানুষের জন্য একটি সমতাবাদী গণতান্ত্রিক সমাজ গড়ে তোলার সংগ্রাম অব্যাহত রয়েছে। বিশ্বাস করে যে শুধুমাত্র শ্রমজীবী মানুষই একটি গণতান্ত্রিক এবং সমতাবাদী সমাজ গড়ে তুলতে পারে। প্রত্যেককে এই উদ্যোগে যোগ দেওয়ার জন্য আহ্বান জানানো হয়। শ্রমিক শ্রেণীর সংহতি দীর্ঘজীবী হোক।
Abul Hossain, Bangladesh
මෙලෙස ක්රියාකිරීමෙන් ලෝකයේ කම්කරුවන්ට විශාල ආස්වාදයක් මෙන්ම ධෛර්යයක් ලබාදිය හැකිය. මෙම සන්දර්භය මත පිහිටා එක් එක් රටවල තිබෙන කණ්ඩායම් එක්වීමෙන් බිහිවන ශක්තිමත් ජාතික කණ්ඩායම් අනෙකුත් වමේ කියා ගන්නා කණ්ඩායම් අභිබවා ක්රියාකිරීමෙන්ද ශක්තිමත් ජාතික කණ්ඩායමක් බිහිකර ගත හැකි අතර, එය විප්ලවකාරී පක්ෂයේ න්යෂ්ඨිකය ලෙස යොදා ගනිමින් වැඩ කරන පංතියේ එදිනෙදා සිදුකරන සටන් හරහා නිර්මාණාත්මක පුළුල් පංති ක්රියාකාරීත්වයක් ගොඩ නැඟිය හැකිය. මෙලෙස ලෝකයේ සෑම රටකම ගොඩ නඟන ජාතික කණ්ඩායම් වල ක්රියාකාරීත්වය මඟින් ලෝක විප්ලවයට මඟ පාදාගත හැකිය.
මෙම මතවාදය ලෝක වැඩ කරන ජනතාව තුල ප්රචලිත කිරීම සඳහා කැපවන ලෙස ඒසියා කොමියුනය වෙත යෝජනා කරමින් ඉදිරි ගමනට සුභ පතමි.
සරණපාල පලිහේන – ශ්රී ලංකාව
Countries in Asia
The current population of Asia