Originally From: https://www.themorning.lk/address-impunity-to-bring-genuine-reforms-ohchr-urges-prez/ The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says the predawn military raid at the Galle Face Green protest…
Originally From: https://www.themorning.lk/address-impunity-to-bring-genuine-reforms-ohchr-urges-prez/ The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says the predawn military raid at the Galle Face Green protest…
Originally From: https://www.themorning.lk/saarc-journalist-forum-condemns-attacks-by-authorities-on-ggg/ The SAARC Journalists Forum (SJF) has strongly condemned the incident against the attacks and arrests of journalists and activists of Sri Lanka,…
இனவெறி, மதவெறி மற்றும் ஊழல் நிறைந்த ராஜபக்க்ஷ ஆட்சியை இலங்கை மக்கள் விரட்டியடித்தனர். நூறு நாட்களுக்கும் மேலான மக்களின் தொடர் போராட்டத்தினால் இந்த அரசு விரட்டியடிக்கப்பட்டது. இந்தப் போராட்டத்தின் திரிபுபடுத்தப்பட்ட விளைவாக புதிய ஜனாதிபதியின்…
ශ්රි ලංකා රජයට ආසියා කොමියුනයේ දැඩි අප්රසාදය ශ්රි ලංකාවේ ජනතාව විසින් පැවති ජාතිවාදි, ආගම්වාදි , දූෂිත මිලිටරි රාජපක්ෂ පාලනය පලවා හැරියේය. එසේ පලවා හැරියේ දින…
The strong displeasure of Asia Commune to the Sri Lankan government The people of Sri Lanka drove out the racist, bigotry and corrupted military Rajapaksa…
ලහිරු වීරසේකර පැහැදිලි කරයි! වීඩියෝව පහත ඡායාරූපය ක්ලික් කරන්න.
She is an Indian and she is doing what a Sri Lankan national suppose to do. Dr. Maya John who is the Assistant Professor in…
By Nawaz Arain فیصل آباد:پاور لومز مالکان کے خلاف مزدور سراپا احتجاج بن گئےفیصل آباد:مزدور نے احتجاجا پاور لومز کو بند کردیافیصل آباد:مزدوروں کی پاور…
Report Nawaz Arain, Demo against Inflation & Crises in Power Looms / Textile industry in Faisalabad City Pakistan…By Labour Qumi Movement
රාජු ප්රභාත් ලංකාලෝක විසිනි ජූලි 9 දින ජනතාව විසින් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ පළවා හැරීම නිසා හිස් වූ ජනාධිපති ධුරය සඳහා පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රීන්ගේ ඡන්දයෙන් මේ වනවිට රනිල්…