After the election on 21st September 2024, two poll results are due.

Official Statement

Asia Commune


21st  September 2024 is a crucial day for Sri Lankans. The day will be equally significant for neighboring South Asians. Because the people of Sri Lanka have decided to show their power in this election. The change is going to happen to the extent that Sri Lankan people’s knowledge and understand.

The Asia Commune stands in line with the people who are alively fighting to bring that change. Whether the people’s expectation comes to be happened or not, those progressive people will have to create a united revolutionary front, a regional party centered on the South Asian region.

Now there is no use criticizing or passing intellectual arguments the people who are going to bring the change.  The reason is because since for a very long time, the left-wing movements of the whole world have failed internationally due to the betrayals of the Communist Parties.

From East to West Europe to Latin America, America as well as Canada and the Asian region, the betrayals and dictatorial atrocities of the leftists are similar to the atrocities of the capitalist system itself.

The best recent example can be pointed out based on France. French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the French Parliament at his will. After dissolving the parliament and he held parliamentary elections on 30th June and 7th July 2024.

The New Popular Front won 178 of the 577 seats in the French general election.

Left reformists, environmentalists, NGO leftists, class collaborationists were elated by this victory. The majority of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA- RIGHT WING) associated with the 4th International (the pseudo leftists), which claims to be internationalists, were also happy.

The French President used the Olympic period and turned the appointment of the Prime Minister as an Olympic event in July and August. But on 5th of September 2024, the far-right racist, 73-year-old Michel Barnier appointed as the prime minister of France. The appointment was made one and a half months after the elections. There were several protests against this arbitrary action of the President. Several protests have been organized in the future too. This winning front of the left has not presented a program with a vision that goes beyond as perspective. Apart from this front, the left groups are very small and divided by different opinions. That is, the European left has abandoned the creation of a revolutionary movement led by the working people for the working class.

Asia Commune is reading at the Sri Lanka’s presidential election with a proper understanding of the situation of the global left wing which mentioned above.

Currently, the leftist groups that are known as leftists (the pseudo leftists) in Sri Lanka have made their livelihood by participating in capitalist elections, solitary agitations and trade unions, as same as pseudo leftist movements in other countries.

In addition, research, experiments and new discoveries have not been resorted to for a new revolutionary program. Obviously, they don’t want to spend minimum time to spare for an international vision to unite the proletariat.

After the election on 21st September 2024, two poll results are due.

1. People, the result of change brought by the people themselves

2. Result notifying the end of the politics of pseudo leftist groups and parties posing as leftists.

Asia Commune is appealing to the Sri Lankan people to prepare to face for both these outcomes.

So, what should we do?

Clearly, whether the people made a change in the presidential election or not, the growing poverty, racism, religionism, casteism and brutality in the South Asian region, are going to rise in the coming years.

In order to face this disaster, small islanders like Sri Lanka and Maldives, as well as Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and the South Asian region should start creating a battle movement that will force to remove their borders. It is very difficult to start such a battle with ancient communists. The new generation must be ready to take this responsibility. Simply, a regional front should be created to bring Sri Lanka together with Tamil Nadu and India.

South Asia divided by Portuguese, Dutch and English should be united. It can be done by opposing the borders imposed by the imperialists. To remove those borders, it should be proposed to try new commune zone models in the South Asian region.

While criticizing the capitalist economic system very critically at the same time should be analyzed and practiced the new economic systems, banking systems, educational systems, cultural changes etc. should be experimented.

Asia Commune urges the new generation to focus on creating a revolutionary front at the regional level after these elections.

We suggest to the new generation not to get stuck in capitalist elections for a few years after the presidential election on 21st September 2024. At this time of the elections, especially the Asia Commune appeals to spend few years to build a theoretically and practically perspective on behalf of future of the South Asian region.

Although this proposal was presented just before an election, our aim is to bring it to the people as a fresh idea in near future after the election.

“We wish the people who are going to make a change in the presidential election on 21st September 2024!”

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