By Prabir Purkayastha (Posted Sep 16, 2023) Originally published: on September 9, 2023 (more by The twentieth century saw the emergence of public…
By Prabir Purkayastha (Posted Sep 16, 2023) Originally published: on September 9, 2023 (more by The twentieth century saw the emergence of public…
අසර්බයිජානයෙන් වට වූ වාර්ගික ආමේනියානුවන්ගේ වාසස්ථානයක් වන නාගෝර්නෝ-කරබාක්හි වර්ධනය වන අර්බුදය ගැන පසුගිය දින කිහිපය තුළ අපට අසන්නට ලැබුණි. මේ වන විට දස දහස් සංඛ්යාත…
Art from The New Masses. Vol. 4 No. 8. January, 1929. Art by Diego Rivera, William Seigel, Art Young, William Gropper, Gan Kolski,, Stuart Davis,…
One Sanghi fraud of great India. …. Who dared to defeat 140 crores of Indian people… and finally defeated the Propaganda Political personal advisor G..O..E..B..E..L..L…of…
এপার ওপার মাঝখানে নদী সারাদিন দেয়া নেয়া নৌকো বেয়ে উদাস মাঝি বারবার দেয় খেয়া। দাঁড়াতেই হবে খেয়া ঘাটে এসে যত থাক তাড়াতাড়ি নৌকা না এলে…
A discussion about Common or Communal land, The Paris Commune, and the Marxist Dictatorahip of the Proletariat. “The principles of the Commune are eternal and…
By Jayantha Das Warm Congratulations to the Newly Elected AISF President Comrade Vicky Mahesari, General Secretary Comrade Dinesh, Vice President Comrade Sanghamitra Jena & other…
The speech by Lenin at the All-Russian Conference for Organizations for Political Education delivered on November 5, 1920. ‘Political Education in Soviet Russia’ by Nikolai…
The jurisdiction of the Mullaiteevu Magistrate has become a place of contentious judicial, legal and political battle ground due to the Kurunthur Malai incident and…