
韓國民主勞總 #KCTU﹕Stand with Hong Kong Workers
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香港勞權監察總幹事蒙兆達早前在國際職工會聯盟世界大會碰到韓國民主勞總 Korean Confederation of Trade Unions 會長梁京洙。韓國民主勞總代表南韓113萬工人,是 #南韓 第二大工會聯盟。
現在我呼籲各地工會加強團結,爭取立即釋放香港被囚工運人士,包括前職工盟主席 #吳敏兒、秘書長 #李卓人 及前 #醫管局員工陣線 主席 #余慧明,他們因行使國際基本人權及勞工權利而被囚禁。
會長 梁京洙
During the ITUC’s world conference last month, Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor Executive Director Christopher Mung met with Yang Kyeung-soo, President of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU). KCTU is the second largest union confederation in South Korea, representing 1.13 million members in the country.
Yang was deeply concerned by the detention of trade union leaders and the crackdown on trade union activity in Hong Kong. Here’s a message he sent to Hong Kong workers.
“Last year, when I was imprisoned for organising a mass rally to deliver the workers’ demands under the Pandemic in a bigger voice, the international solidarity made me stay strong.
Now it is time to strengthen our solidarity for an immediate release of Hong Kong Labour activists, including former HKCTU Chairperson Carol Ng, General Secretary Lee Cheuk Yan and former HAEA Chairperson Winnie Yu, who are in prison for exercising their fundamental rights guaranteed by the international human rights and labour standards.
Being a trade unionist is our inalienable right. When we are deprived of our rights, we can take it back through our struggle. However, if we give up our rights, we lose our dignity.
Stand with Hong Kong workers!
Let’s fight until we win! ‘’
Yang Kyeung-soo
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions

支持獨立工運 關注在囚工運人士
#香港勞權監察 #HKLabourRights #香港勞工 #勞工 #勞工權益 #自主工運 #獨立工運 #勞工抗命 #團結 #香港 #香港人 #香港人加油 #國際線