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ISSUE: Human Rights
Asia Commune Campaign Program
January 25, 2022
Dear Friends,
Asia Commune has received information from The Commercial and Industrial Workers Union (CIWU) regarding an ANTI-UNION ACTIVITIES BY THE ATG GLOVES KNITTING (PVT) LTD, SRI LANKA against the CIWU. ATG Gloves Knitting PVT Ltd is one of the participants of the United Nations Global Compact.

We are conscious and aware that on the 20th August, 2021, ATG Gloves Knitting PVT Ltd, a Gloves Manufacturing Company which exports to over 35 Countries, dismissed 16 workers for forming and joining the Commercial and Industrial Workers Union (CIWU). To date the ATG has refused to reinstate the unfairly dismissed workers and continued to engage in anti union activities including defaming trade union leaders and racially inciting workers against a minority trade union leader.
However this is not the first instance the ATG Group of Companies has engaged in anti-union practices. In 2018 over 300 workers went on strike in one of the ATG Factories protesting the illegal dismissal of five workers for union work. In 2021, in another ATG factory, the main organizer of the worker’s union was dismissed.
Despite carrying out anti-union activities within its factories for over five years, ATG has evaded legal liability from the State or scrutiny from its buyers.
Hence it comes as little surprise that less than 10% of the Sri Lankan workforce forms part of Unions. Union busting by Companies and the fear of losing their jobs remain the single most reason why workers do not join unions. If Sri Lanka is to become a place where workers can engage in work which does not strip them off their dignity as human beings, human rights and labour rights violators such as the ATG Group of Companies must be held accountable for its anti union activities.
Suggested Actions
Please write to the Authorities listed below and request the following actions:
- a) To reinstate the 7 workers who have been unfairly dismissed from their factory at Wathupitiwala, Sri Lanka, for forming and joining the Commercial and Industrial Workers Union (CIWU)
- b) To show their commitment to UNGC’s Principle 3, ‘Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining’ by recognizing the Trade Union, the CIWU.
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ATG Gloves Knitting (Pvt) Ltd,
Block No.11,WEPZ,
Sri Lanka
We call upon your Companies to cease all anti-trade union activities and campaigns at your factories in Sri Lanka, and to:
a) reinstate the 7 workers who have been unfairly dismissed from your factory at Wathupitiwala for forming and joining the Commercial and Industrial Workers Union (CIWU)
b) demonstrate your company’s commitment to uphold the UN Global Compact’s (UNGC) Principle 3; ‘Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining’ as a participant by recognizing the Trade Union, the CIWU which the dismissed 16 workers tried to form at the Wathupitiwala factory.
The ATG Group of Companies has a reputation for anti-trade union practices at their factories in Sri Lanka:
- in 2021, 16 workers from their factory at Wathupitiwala; In 2018,
- 300 workerrs of the General Services Union (GSEU)who went on strike protesting the dismissal of 5 workers and their trade union organizer at your factory in Katunayake had also been unfairly dismissed for exercising their right to form and join the GSEU.
Finally, we wish to reiterate that the ‘freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining’ is a universal right of workers contained in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work adopted in 1998 and the State of Sri Lanka is a signatory to this Declaration. Therefore, Companies such as yours that set up businesses in Sri Lanka should respect their workers’ right to form and join trade unions at their work places.
Yours Sincerely,
- Sanda Ojiambo, CEO & Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact, UN Headquarters, New York, NY 10017, USA;; Twitter: @globalcompact; Facebook: @UNGlobal Compact; E-mail= or/and
- ATG Gloves Knitting (Pvt) Ltd, Block No.11,WEPZ, Wathupitiwala, Sri Lanka;;; Email:
- Nimal Siripala De Silva, Minister of Labour, Ministry of Labour6th Floor, “Mehewara Piyesa”, Narahenpita, Colombo -05, Sri Lanka, Phone: +94 11 2581991; Fax: +94 11 2368197; Email:
- SRI LANKA EXPORT DEVELOPMENT BOARD, No. 42 Nawam Mawatha, Colombo-02, Sri Lanka. Phone: +94-11-230-0705 / 11 , Fax: +94-11-230-0715, Email:
Thank you!
Asia Commune Campaign Program
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