sevvilam parithi

“...I am a member of Asia Commune and trying to my best for this network..
Yakub Mohammed
Hello, Myself Yakub Mohammed, I am President of Sahyogi Seva Sansthan its registered Voluntary Organization, working in the field of Rural and Urban development for marginal people, women and child and deprived sections of community. I am also working in development sector on different publice issues with like minded people with different networks, like Hawkers Streets Vendor Rights, Campaign Against Child Labour, Rights to information, Right to food etc. I am member of Asia commune and represent India chapter. I am National Secretary of NATIONAL HAWKERS FEDERATION, INDIA. Our main emphasis on women empowerment, communal harmony, employment generation, women and child development, and peace in South Asia. I am General Secretary of SAGDF-South Asian grassroot development forum, Its also working for economic development of womens of South Asian country Nepal Bangladesh India Pakistan Sri Lanka Bhutan Maldives it’s all countries member of SAGDF. In India we are working for social justice, right to information and common minimum program of the South Asian country, especially peace and harmony, political stability, and many more social eco development program..”

sasikala devi
Mrs.A.SASIKALA DEVI M.A.B.Ed. B.L is practising lawyer and a social fighter with left idealistic and now she represent the NATIONAL HAWKER FEDERATION TAMILNADU Chapter as its TAMILNADU STATE COORDINATOR in TAMILNADU FESTIVAL HAWKERS AND STREET VENDORS FEDERATION TAMILNADU as its LEGAL ADVISOR too. And also She is a eminent lawyer fighting for Social Justices and Human Rights in High Court of MADRAS and irs branch At MADURAI HIGH COURT BENCH in Tamilnadu.

Abul Hossain
(Breve freedom fighter 1971)
- President Dhaka City Committee Workers Party of Bangladesh
- Former student leader – General Secretary , Democratic Student Union
- Ex executive committee member, Dhaka Union of Journalists joined Trade Union movement,1986.
- President National Federation of Technical and Industrial workers
- President Textile Garment Workers Federation
- President Bangladesh auto-rickshaw Light Transport Workers Federation
- President Bangladesh Hawkers Action Council
- Lives in Dhaka
Going to contest the 12th general election from Jalakathi – 1.

MudASSAR mehboob
Labour Qoumi Movement
Introduction; Mr. Moddsar Mehboob
Secretary programe LQM, Labour Qoumi Movement, a regstered Political party Pakistan.
Convenyer Jamu Kashmir Awami action committee…. Labourer affairs experts , network with Trade Union, workers and professional bodies…