Down with Maduro’s Dictatorship! We repudiate all the Peace and Amnesty agreements to the Regime

By Mario Gonzalez de la Marx Venezuela

Maduro’s capitalist dictatorship is going through a terminal crisis, in a very fragile political instability, with popular rejection by more than 80% of our people and increasingly diminished popular support at the international level, expressed by the Texas bourgeoisie and the dictatorships of Díaz Canel (Cuba), Putin (Russia), Ortega (Nicaragua), as well as the capitalist governments that for decades sustained the dictatorship such as Petro (Colombia). Boric (Chile) and Lula (Brazil), hurry up peace agreements, to save the heads of Maduro and his henchmen, promoted by Corina Machado and imperialism, to carry out a peaceful transitional government and pardon the dictatorship all the crimes against humanity committed against our Venezuelan people.

To this generalized repudiation of the people, is added the rupture of 70% of the military base that now for Maduro “are not reliable”, especially in the middle cadres from captains, lieutenants and sergeants etc., who in this last period began to denounce and detach themselves from the Regime.

Next January 10 is the date that, according to the bourgeois elections, the Maduro dictatorship would assume power again, while the bourgeois candidate González Urrutia will take office in Spain and return to Venezuela to take up the position of the capitalist presidency of the government, in the framework of the political, economic and social crisis.

The bourgeois “opposition” represented by Corina Machado has refused to carry out a mobilization to defeat the dictatorship and deceives the people by demanding the results of bourgeois elections, focused on electoral fraud, promotes negotiating the impunity of the Maduro regime, under a peaceful transition and thus stops the social explosion, expressing in various bourgeois media “we believe in a peaceful and orderly transition”. in the line promoted by Biden’s imperialism that recognized that “pardons were put on the table for Maduro and several of his officials”, according to The Wall Street Journal, pointing out that in secret talks the US offers an amnesty to Maduro to cede power in Venezuela.

In the same vein, the friends and partners of the tyrant, such as the capitalist governments of Petro in Colombia, Boric in Chile, so-called “progressives” who have been supporters and negotiators with the Chavista-Madurista dictatorship in recent years, who emboldened say they raise the flag of freedom and rights for their people and continue to maintain in their territories the detention of the political prisoners of the 2019 revolution, when the people rose up against the austerity measures of the “right-wing” governments – they support the peaceful exit of the dictatorship of Maduro and his lackeys, just like the capitalist government of Lula Da Silva in Brazil.

These capitalist governments support Maduro’s amnesty for crimes against humanity against our people, as they express in unison: “The commitment to peace is what leads us to promote dialogue and understanding between the government and the opposition,” as Lula expressed it from the Casa de la Moneda, the seat of the Chilean government in a conference shared with Boric.

Another unfortunate role is that played by the reformist left in Venezuela and worldwide. By refusing to raise the slogan “down with the dictatorship” he continues with his eagerness to conciliate the class, making plans for future electoral events, diverting the real question. Instead of repudiating the Maduro Regime, the repression against our people, demanding the freedom of political prisoners, they remain silent for the hundreds of disappeared, dead and exiled in their eagerness to support the tyrant, generating false expectations among the people in a reformist solution.

Just as the union bureaucracy, in a disastrous intervention, plays its role of putting out the fire by not going beyond labor demands, trying to create the illusion that a dictatorship can guarantee some right to the working class and the people, despite the fact that the objective conditions are found to go to an uprising of the masses, which has not yet materialized due to the absence of a true revolutionary class leadership, in the hands of the workers that represents 99% of our Venezuelan people.

The revolution of the peoples has begun, with the resistance and triumph of the people in Palestine, Ukraine and the defeat of the dictatorship of Bashar Al Assad in Syria, where dictatorships hang by a thread, and in this course our Venezuela is located.

From Marx Venezuela we propose unity with all sectors of the oppressed people, women, youth and activists and promote a true insurrection to defeat the Maduro dictatorship, categorically rejecting all peace and amnesty agreements to save the Maduro regime and its entourages, demanding trial and punishment for crimes against humanity and punishment of all its accomplices who support this reprehensible dictatorship against our people.

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