
Dear ,

One week into 2025 and it’s clear this year is going to be as politically tumultuous as the last. The continuing genocide in Gaza, the growth of the international far right, economic decline and a rapidly deteriorating climate are just some of the pressing issues that will shape the year ahead.

To meet the challenges we face, we have to be as prepared as we can be. Counterfire has organised a series of Revolution! events around the country to bring together activists and discuss, analyse and strategise.

The London event is on Sunday 16 February from 12 – 5:30pm at SOAS University, London, WC1H 0XG.

Confirmed speakers include Yanis Varoufakis (on Zoom), Lindsey German, Matt Kennard, Haya Adam, Kevin Ovenden, Elaine Graham-Leigh, Shabbir Lakha, Dave Randall and more to be announced. *EARLYBIRD ENDS 14 JAN* – BOOK NOW! Sessions will cover the causes of the current chaos in the Middle East, Trump and US imperialism, the Marxist theory of history and how things change, why the mainstream media has become a mouthpiece for establishment foreign policy and how the left should respond to Labour’s abject failure.

Earlybird tickets end 14th January so book now!

Events around the country:

Marxism in a Day: Sunday 26 January
GlasgowRevolution!: Saturday 15 February
BristolRevolution!: Saturday 1 March

Check out our Events page for up to date details on public meetings and events around the country. Solidarity,

