Programme of Action for the Global Anti Apartheid Movement against Israel and for Palestine

The Global Anti-Apartheid Conference for Palestine held in Johannesburg, South

Africa, on 12th May 2024, attended by over 400 participants from 32 countries,

adopted the ‘Johannesburg Declaration on Israel’s Settler-Colonialism, Apartheid and

Genocide: Towards a Global Anti-Apartheid Movement for Palestine’. The Declaration

urged people and organisations globally to expand and escalate actions in solidarity

with the Palestinian people’s courageous liberation struggle to end genocide, ethnic

cleansing, occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid ‘from the River to the Sea’.

Since the Johannesburg conference, and despite the provisional measures issued by

the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 24th May 2024 explicitly ordering Israel to

halt its military offensive, Israel continues to relentlessly bomb civilians and Gaza’s

infrastructure, increasingly making the territory unliveable. The ICJ also reiterated its

order for Israel to immediately allow the unhindered passage of humanitarian aid,

including food, water and medicines. Israel has ignored this and previous orders and

is deliberately hastening the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians through

disease and famine. Israel has also rejected United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

resolutions demanding a ceasefire, including one on 11th June 2024 that was

supported by 14 of the15 UNSC members (with one abstention).

As we witness the horror and daily carnage, we take courage from Palestinians who,

despite facing appalling and inhuman brutality, continue resisting on all fronts. We

condemn governments that persist in supporting the genocidal Zionist regime,

including the USA, UK, many EU states, and despotic Arab regimes, as well as those

who remain silent. We are sure they will be found guilty of complicity in Israel’s

genocide following recent ICJ, International Criminal Court (ICC) and UN Human

Rights Council decisions. The US went further than others in allowing its

‘humanitarian’ pier to be used to launch one of the worst massacres of Palestinians,

and in supplying its own murderous special forces to assist in the commission of war

crimes. While the atrocities are continuing in Gaza, this year has also seen the largest

land theft in the West Bank in 30 years.

Furthermore, Israel has repeatedly shown that its actions are a threat to global peace

and security. Over decades, it has blatantly violated international law with abandon;

rejected UN resolutions and rulings of the ICJ with disdain; labelled UN institutions

“terrorist” and as enabling “terrorism”; undertaken illegal actions in various countries

of the world, including assassinations, bombings and other acts of violence against

individuals and states with impunity. Israel also possesses a large nuclear arsenal and

its officials, at different times, have emphasised their willingness to use those

weapons of mass destruction, thus imperilling the region as well international peace

and security more generally. Its weapons industry is a threat to peace in various parts

of the world, particularly as Israel is unconcerned about producing and using banned

weapons such as cluster bombs and white phosphorus. In June 2024 the Human

Rights Council and several independent experts again reiterated their call to states

and arms manufacturers to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions

and other military equipment to Israel.

Israel’s crimes are so heinous, their depravity so disturbing, Palestinian suffering so

intolerable, and the UN so paralysed that people around the world are increasingly

rising up in outrage. This level of global solidarity – students on hundreds of university

campuses demanding divestment; workers refusing to handle goods and arms to and

from Israel; cultural workers and sports people condemning and boycotting events

with Israeli participation; communities declaring apartheid-free areas and even

countries taking tentative steps to impose sanctions on Israel – was last witnessed

during the struggle against apartheid South Africa.

Attendees at the Conference often on the frontline of these actions, vowed to

support, strengthen and expand BDS actions such as these. Our programme of action

encourages the establishment of activist, grassroots structures in every country to

stop the genocide. Delegates supported campaigns for the release of prisoners;

reparations and compensation for the wanton destruction and crimes; the exercise

of the right of return for refugees and the ending of Israel’s occupation, apartheid and

settler colonialism.

During the conference, workshops were held on the themes of boycotts, divestment

and sanctions; interfaith activities and campaigns; changing the narrative; actions in

the legal and multilateral spheres; Palestinian popular and other struggles against

settler colonialism and apartheid and supporting Palestinian political prisoners and

humanitarian support. Participants also convened in six regional workshops: Africa,

Asia Pacific, Arab World, Latin America, North America and Europe. The key areas for

action that arose from the deliberations are outlined below. These actions seek to

confront Israel’s settler colonialism and apartheid through diplomatic, legal, political,

activist and solidarity actions.

Stop arming genocide

Israel’s genocidal war against Palestinians is carried out with weapons supplied by

Western powers, especially the United States, which has been the largest single

provider of military financing and arms to Israel for decades, as well as by Germany,

Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom, among others.

Selling weapons to and buying weapons from Israel, including

spyware/cyberweapons, amount to criminal complicity in its crimes, as do other

forms of financing its war machine. The weaponry and technology the Israeli military-

industrial complex exports around the world are field tested on the bodies of

Palestinian men, women and children. Through its sale of high-tech weaponry,

‘securitisation’ and methods of pacification, Israel plays a key role in fuelling conflicts

and the suppression of human rights globally.

We call on the global solidarity movement to mobilise through direct action,

lobbying, grass roots and trade union activism to:

• Pressure governments, parliaments and corporations to immediately impose

a #MilitaryEmbargo on Israel, as called for by the UN Human Rights Council

and dozens of UN human rights experts. This should include the sale and

transfer of weapons, military equipment and dual-use technology, cutting of

military funding in the case of the US, and a ban on importing Israeli arms and

spyware and on joint military and security projects.

• Campaign against, expose and, where possible, prosecute mercenaries from

different countries joining the Israeli occupation forces.

• Disrupt the manufacturing and transport of weapons, weapon parts, and

other military equipment to Israel, including in transit states.

• Stop Israel training police forces and security agencies around the world.

• Mobilise the world to end Israel’s nuclear, chemical and biological warfare


No trade with Apartheid

Support the Palestinian call for BDS against Apartheid Israel similar to the call on the

international community made by South Africans in support of their liberation

struggle. BDS is already making investment and trade with Apartheid Israel

increasingly unprofitable and contributing to the contraction of the Israeli economy.

National and local governments and other institutions in the West are trying to

impose bans on BDS actions precisely because they work.

Intensify BDS campaigns in communities, associations, educational institutions,

faith-based organisations, trade unions, and workplaces to:

• Directly hit the profits of businesses operating in Israel through targeted

consumer boycott campaigns against the most complicit companies. Take

actions that raise awareness and create reputational damage to companies

doing business as usual with génocidaires. Ask shops, businesses,

institutions and municipalities to declare themselves “apartheid-free zones”

by refusing to stock or purchase products complicit in Israeli genocide and


• Demand that governments implement trade sanctions on Israel.

• Join the global campaigns at ports to “block the boat”, to disrupt and stop

Israeli-owned ships and consignments to and from Israel.

• Campaign for a global energy embargo against Israel to halt all exports of

coal, gas and oil to the apartheid state.

• Pressure parliaments and governments to reject anti-BDS legislation and

promote the passing of pro-BDS legislation.

Don’t play with Apartheid

Apartheid Israel uses its participation in international sporting structures and

cultural exchanges as tools of normalisation. The sports and cultural boycott against

apartheid South Africa had a powerful psychological and public relations impact on

the racist regime. Palestinians are making the same call against normalisation and to

isolate Apartheid Israel. It is unconscionable that Israel is still able to participate in

global sporting events such as the Olympic Games, the Football World Cup and

other international competitions.

Increase urgent campaigns for national sporting codes and representatives to

international sports bodies to:

• Suspend Israel’s membership and ban it from international tournaments and

games including the International Olympic Committee and FIFA until it ends

its grave violations of international law, particularly its apartheid rule and

the crime of genocide it is perpetrating in Gaza.

• Raise awareness and urge cultural workers including unions, associations,

venues and cultural spaces to:

• Boycott and/or work towards the cancellation of events, activities,

agreements, or projects involving Israel, its lobby groups or its cultural


• Ask international venues and festivals to reject funding and any form of

sponsorship from the Israeli government.

Stopping the Scholasticide

There continues to be a deliberate effort to comprehensively destroy the Palestinian

education system, an action known as “scholasticide”. The term refers to the systemic

obliteration of education through the arrest, detention or killing of lecturers,

teachers, students and staff, the destruction of educational infrastructure and the

erosion of the intellectual and cultural fabric of Palestinian society. Thus far, 450

schools and all 12 universities in Gaza have been bombed, together with archives,

libraries and printing presses. Israel’s destruction of this infrastructure leaves 625,000

school and 90,000 university students in Gaza without access to education. To date,

8,600 students, 497 educators and administrators, 98 professors and four university

presidents have been killed, many with their families.

In the West Bank, the occupation forces have systematically attacked Palestinian

universities and other educational spaces. These actions include regular storming of

universities, arresting student council members and killing students and educators.

Since October 2023, the occupation forces and armed settlers have killed at least 438

Palestinians, including 106 children across the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

The murdered include 100 Palestinian students, injured 494 and forcibly detained at

least 349. The occupation forces have also invaded Palestinian teachers’ homes,

assaulting families, and enforcing arbitrary arrests. In the ’48 areas as well, over 80

Palestinian students at 25 ‘Israeli’ institutions have been targeted and punished

merely for liking tweets and authoring posts expressing sympathy for their family

members in Gaza.

We call on the solidarity movement to support a comprehensive and consistent

boycott of all academic institutions in Israel as advocated by the Palestinian

Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). This entails:

• Refraining from engaging in academic and cultural cooperation,

collaboration, or joint projects with Israeli institutions.

• Desisting from publishing in or reviewing articles from Israeli-linked

academic journals or publishing in collaboration with Israeli institutions.

• Refusing to serve as external examiners of dissertations associated with

Israeli universities and/or Israeli-linked institutions.

• Refusing to write recommendations or to submit joint grant applications

with/at Israeli universities and/or Israeli-linked institutions.

• Refusing to enrol in Israeli-linked international faculty teaching and/or

student programmes, conduct research at and/or with Israeli institutions, or

engage in academic visits or fact-finding undertakings funded by Israel, its

complicit institutions, and/or its international lobby groups.

• Supporting Palestinian academics, students and their institutions.

Ending Reproductive Genocide

Since October 2023, the Israeli regime’s reproductive genocide in Gaza, through

systematic violence and the deliberate targeting of women and children, has

increased exponentially. The arbitrary detention and extrajudicial killing of children

in the West Bank has also increased. The mass murder of women, children and babies

is a deliberate genocidal effort to eradicate not only current but also future

generations of Palestinians. Restrictions on access to vital resources such as food,

water, electricity, and medical treatment results in women, particularly pregnant

women and children suffering the most.

In June 2024, the UN Secretary-General’s envoy for children and armed conflict,

Virginia Gamba, added Israel to the UN’s “list of shame”. The report covers grave

violations including killing and maiming, sexual violence, abduction, denial of aid and

attacks on schools and hospitals. It only reports on violations verified by the UN. The

report attributed 5,698 violations to Israel’s “armed and security forces” verifying the

killing of 2,267 Palestinian children – most in Gaza between Oct.7 and Dec. 31 – but

said the process of determining attribution was ongoing, adding: “Most incidents

were caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas by Israeli armed and

security forces.” By June 2024, over 20 000 children have been killed, 19 000

orphaned and 21 000 missing. Children feature overwhelmingly amongst the almost

90 000 Palestinians injured. Many children have been severely injured, over 1000

have had limbs amputated without anaesthesia.

Advance the fundamental rights of Palestinians to bodily autonomy, safety, and

justice through:

• Disseminating materials that outline the concept of reproductive genocide

and its devastating impact.

• Collaborating with reproductive justice advocates globally through rallies,

protests, and public demonstrations to demand a ceasefire and an end to

the violence in Gaza.

• Advocacy for policy changes at both national and international levels to

address the root causes of reproductive genocide in Gaza. Perpetrators of

violence and human rights violations in Gaza must be held accountable, and

justice for affected communities must be sought.

• Targeting mainstream and alternative media outlets to secure coverage of

the crisis, op-eds featuring Palestinian voices particularly women and

emphasise the urgent need for action.

• Raising awareness internationally with organisations that focus on the rights

of children to explore ways of supporting affected children, providing

psychological and trauma counselling and assisting in resuming educational


Highlighting Ecocide

Since its founding, Israel’s settler colonialism has attempted to ‘greenwash’ the

crimes of the Nakba, by planting non-indigenous forests over depopulated and

destroyed Palestinian towns, damaging local ecosystems, uprooting ancient olive

trees, stealing water from Palestinian aquifers, and, more recently, flooding tunnels

in Gaza with seawater, thus imperilling Gaza’s water supply for generations to come.

Israel’s military onslaught has had enormous effects on Gaza’s ecosystems and

biodiversity. The scale and potential long-term impact of the damage is ecocide and

must be investigated as a war crime. The Geneva Conventions require that warring

parties do not use methods of warfare that cause “widespread, long-term and severe

damage to the natural environment”. Yet, Israel has dropped 85 000 tonnes of

explosives – more than three nuclear bombs – on a densely packed area of 365 km2.

Much of Gaza’s agricultural infrastructure, farms, 7,500 greenhouses and orchards

have been destroyed. Olive groves and farms have been reduced to packed earth; soil

and groundwater have been contaminated by munitions and toxins; the sea is choked

with sewage and waste; and the air polluted by smoke and particulate matter. The

bombing has left about 30 million tonnes of debris, unexploded ordnance and

hazardous material, with much of the rubble containing human remains.

It is the responsibility of Israel and its allies – which provide Israel with diplomatic

cover and weapons – to ensure the restoration of Gaza’s ecology, environment, water

resources, and to remove the debris and hazardous material with which Israel has

polluted Gaza.

We commit ourselves to:

• Inform and mobilise climate justice organisations and environmentalists to

understand the extent of Israel’s ecocide and to campaign against it.

• Counter Israel’s use of greenwashing to legitimise its war on Gaza and to

normalise oppression and environmental injustice.

• Mobilise against Israel’s ‘reforestation’ project with Jordan and the UAE, also

known as Project Green and Project Prosperity, which is aimed at

normalisation with neighbouring Arab countries.

• Strengthen the global campaign against the Jewish National Fund (JNF),

which raises funds globally for Israel’s settler-colonialism and greenwashing


Confronting Zionist propaganda and promoting the Palestinian narrative

The dominant Zionist narrative must be countered by ensuring the conversation is led

by Palestinians, and by amplifying narratives which highlight the Palestinian history

of colonisation and the legitimacy of the Palestinian right to resist genocide, ethnic

cleansing, occupation, settler colonialism and apartheid.

We call for implementing education and public campaigns in the mainstream and

alternative media, including social media, to:

• Amplify Palestinian voices to counter Israeli ‘hasbara’ (propaganda).

• Legitimise and assert the Palestinian narrative and the right of Palestinians

to resist.

• Characterise Israel as a racist, apartheid, settler-colonialist state founded on

ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

• Share Palestinian stories of the ongoing Nakba and current living conditions

under genocide and apartheid.

• Through various educational means and media, work to entrench the fact

that Zionism is a political project and Israeli oppression is unrelated to


• Collaborate with anti-racist organisations and movements and show that

Zionism is racism.

• Promote discussion and education of Palestinian history with learners and

students globally.

Punishing the Zionist project legally and diplomatically

Identify and expose Israel’s illegal actions. Support legal, diplomatic and

multilateral initiatives to hold Israel accountable under international law and use

legal means to promote Palestinian rights by:

• Empowering activists and communities with information around ICJ/ICC

cases using traditional and social media and other fora.

• Localising legal action against Israeli war crimes and the war crimes

complicity of other states using universal jurisdiction.

• Exploring class actions for damages against governments complicit with

Israeli crimes.

• Developing and maintaining a repository of evidence of Israel’s crimes, as

well as precedents, treaties and conventions that Israel violates.

• Forming task teams to work for the decriminalisation of the Palestinian

narrative and the decriminalisation of the Palestinian right to resistance.

• Coordinating legal actions in different states to prosecute their citizens who

join the Israel Occupation Forces.

• Defending Palestinians and solidarity activists faced with criminal

prosecution and assisting them with legal defence.

• Utilising civil society spaces and lobbying in regional and UN structures

including the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and special

mechanisms, treaty bodies such as the International Covenant on Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights (ISESCR); Committee on the Elimination of Racial

Discrimination (CERD).

• Lobbying friendly states to form a bloc to campaign for the revival of the

UN’s Special Committee Against Apartheid and to campaign for sanctions

against Israel.

• Lobbying African states to ensure the revocation of Israel’s observer status

at the African Union.

Supporting Palestinian prisoners and their families

The Treatment of Palestinian prisoners, detainees and hostages remains one of the

most under-reported Israeli crimes because of restrictions on access for journalists

and even humanitarian agencies such as the International Red Cross. Furthermore,

organisations such as Addameer which maintains updated information on Palestinian

prisoners, have been banned by Israel. Since October 2023, thousands of Palestinians

have been kidnapped, disappeared, tortured and sexually abused, as described by

released prisoners. Israeli prisons where Palestinians are held are sites of physical,

psychological and emotional torture including against children and the elderly.

Hundreds of these hostages held by Israel are children.

Advocate for Legal actions by:

• Establishing a Palestinian Legal Defence Fund for prisoners and their families.

• Working with NGOs dealing with Palestinian prisoners, document the

number of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel and their conditions.

• Lobby for access to prisoners.

• Working to ensure effective documentation of the situation of Palestinian

prisoners by UN Special Rapporteurs.

• Advocating for the adoption and adherence to the ‘Nelson Mandela

Principles’ for the treatment of prisoners and for Israel to adhere to known

standards for treatment of prisoners.

• Campaigning against the detention of children and strengthening existing

campaigns such as “Free Them All” and other campaigns that focus on

political prisoners.

• Highlighting the fact that close to 10 000 Palestinians are held hostage in the

prisons of the occupation.

Promote People-to-People solidarity by:

• Facilitating connection between families of Palestinian prisoners and families

in other parts of the world that can provide moral support, maintain

communications and publicise the stories of individual prisoners.

• Connecting with anti-xenophobia and migrant rights organisations to ensure

Palestinians who seek political asylum are granted refugee status.

Mobilising faith-based communities

Religion is often misused and abused as a justification and a tool of oppression, as

was the case in apartheid South Africa and is now the case with apartheid Israel. This

places a particular responsibility on religious communities to respond to situations of

oppression. While it is necessary for different faith communities to mobilise their own

members for actions, it is also necessary and useful to mobilise in an inter-faith

manner, with adherents of different faiths standing together against Israel’s

genocide, apartheid, colonialism and occupation.

Within the Global Anti-Apartheid Movement for Palestine, adherents of different

faiths, faith communities and faith-based organisations will undertake the

following actions:

• Set up an interfaith task team to coordinate these activities across all sectors

of civil society.

• Confront Christian Zionism and work to dispel the notion that Christians are

theologically obligated to support Zionism and the state of Israel, and to

undertake education programmes on this matter especially in working class


• Dispel the notion that Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, and that

criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic.

• Build relations between different faith groups to develop a global anti-

Zionist, anti-apartheid interfaith movement and interfaith advocacy for


• Consult the Palestinian Christian leadership on building the Kairos for

Palestine and Palestinian interfaith networks.

• Work towards a global interfaith conference for Palestine.

• Issue a call on faith communities to support the boycott, divestment and

sanctions (BDS) campaign.

• Consider an interfaith march of religious leaders from various traditions to

the borders with Israel – from Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria.

Intensifying the Global Anti-Apartheid Movement against Israel and for Palestine

Conference attendees agreed to cooperate with other organisations working on the

various issues and campaigns in this Programme of Action.

We call on the global solidarity movement to:

1. Intensify all civil society solidarity campaigns and initiatives within our localities,

countries, regions, continents and international networks. Strengthen and form new

partnerships, deepen coordination and encourage anti-apartheid formations to

develop in each country based on context specific, dynamic and action-oriented


2. The South African Anti-Apartheid Steering Committee will continue operating as

an Interim Steering Committee for a three-month period following the publication

of this Plan of Action in order to continue to engage in inclusive and wide-ranging

consultations with Palestinian civil society and political entities in Occupied

Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.

3. Support regional formations focusing on united action with all around the world

who agree with our Programme of Action. Through this process we will collectively

build the Global Anti Apartheid Movement on the ground leading to establishing a

committee with representation from Africa, Asia Pacific, Arab World, Latin America,

North America and Europe towards holding a global launch gathering.

Build the Global Movement for BDS!

Palestine will be Free, from the River to the Sea! Sanctions Against the Génocidaires Now!
