सादर प्रकाशनार्थ-
उदयपुर 27 मार्च। नगर के पी.यू.सी.एल, जास और साझा मंच आदि जनसंगठनों ने जिला कलेक्टर के माध्यम से महामहिम राष्ट्रपति महोदया को ज्ञापन भेजकर लद्दाख और कारगिल की संघर्षरत जनता से वार्ता कर उनकी मांगों को तत्काल पुरी करने की मांग की।
ज्ञापन में स्पष्ट किया गया कि लद्दाख व कारगिल के लोग हिमालय के परिस्थितिक तंत्र को बचाने और स्थानीय जनजातियों की स्वायतता की मांग कर रहें है जो न्यायिक और संविधान सम्मत है।
पीयूसीएल के अरूण व्यास ने बताया कि अलग केन्द्र शाषित प्रदेश बनाये जाने के बाद बडे स्तर पर नान-गजेटेड पोस्टो के लिए वादे के अनुसार नौकरियों के लिए अभियान नहीं चलाया गया जिससे युवाओं में गुस्सा है।
नागरिक मंच के मन्नाराम डांगी ने बताया कि लद्दाख के लोग पर्यावरण संकट के विरुद्ध लड रहें है और 6ठी अनुसूची में सम्मिलित होकर स्वायत परिषदों की भी मांग कर रहें है।
‘जास’ के समीर बैनर्जी ने बताया कि देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक को विचार व्यक्त करने, संगठित होने और संघर्ष करने का जनतांत्रिक अधिकार है अतः सरकारों को उनकी मांगों पर संवेदनशीलता से विचार करना चाहिए।
प्रतिनिधिमण्डल में आर.डी.व्यास, याकूब मोहम्मद, सोहन गमेती, बलवन्तसिंह, सोमेश्वर मीणा तथा जनवादी मजदूर यूनियन के डी.एस.पालीवाल, आदि सम्मिलित थे।

भारत के राष्ट्रपति को ज्ञापन
Respected Excellency Madam President,
Indian government
Through – District Collector Udaipur.
Subject – Regarding immediate resolution of all the demands of the people of Ladakh and Kargil.
With the removal of Article 370 from Kashmir and Ladakh becoming a Union Territory, the tribal people of Ladakh were hopeful that they would get their own legislature and more facilities but they were disappointed. As a result, They repeatedly appealed to the Central Government to fulfill the promises made by the BJP before the elections, but no attention was paid. Ultimately, the common people of Ladakh were forced to take to the streets and are struggling under the guidance of famous environmentalist Sonam Wangchuk to protect the delicate ecosystem and indigenous tribal cultures of the Himalayan mountains of Ladakh. A fast is being conducted by the Kargil Democratic Alliance In Kargil also.
Sonam Wangchuk has ended his 21-day fast but the movement continues under the leadership of women and women have started a fast unto death. Their main demands are- 1.Before becoming a Union Territory i.e. before 2019, the youth of Ladakh could apply for gazetted posts in the Jammu Kashmir Service Commission Board, but now they cannot do so, hence a separate Public Service Commission should be created for the Ladakh region.
2.Keeping in mind the tribal area of Ladakh, like Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura etc., autonomous tribal councils should be formed by including them in the Sixth Schedule under Article 244 of the Indian Constitution, with whose consent only industries can be set up and their area can be managed. Can achieve people’s development.
3.If Kashmir is called the crown of the country, then Ladakh is the jewel of this crown, hence to keep its environment safe, construction of hotels etc. should not be allowed.
- Two MPs should be elected from Ladakh who can properly raise the demands of the people of Ladakh.
There were many negotiations with the Central Government regarding the above demands but no positive results have been achieved, hence the people of Ladakh and Kargil are struggling. We support the democratic right of the people of any part of the country to express their views, organize and struggle and We request you to give orders to the Central Government that the government should fulfill its promises and immediately resolve all the above demands by talking to the representatives of the people of Ladakh and Kargil.
Hope you will take immediate action.
(Arun Vyas) PUCL, Udaipur (Sameer Banerjee) JASS Udaipur
(Mannaram Dangi)Common Platform of Citizens and People’s Organizations Udaipur,
D.S.Paliwal,Janwadi Mazdoor Union, Udaipur
(Democratic Workers Union, Udaipur)

by D.S. Paliwal