(Program- dated 23 March 2024 at 5.30 pm, Durga Nursery Garden, Udaipur)
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged by the British government on 23 March 1931, 93 years ago. The three patriots kissed the trap and sloganning Bharatmata’s Jai, Inklab Jindabad and imperialism down-down, sacrificed for the independence.
In fact, Bhagat Singh dreamed of a world that was free from exploitation, injustice, inequality, superstition and ignorance. There should be equality, justice and brotherhood in it.
Bhagat Singh believed that economic and social freedom is necessary along with political freedom. He opined that not just change of power, but system change is needed. Freedom from inequality and discrimination is necessary. The purpose of patriotism is public liberation. The liberation of millions of poor people, farmers, laborers, Dalits, women etc. of the country will be the real freedom.
Bhagatsingh and his companion’s dream is yet to fulfill Even after the socalled independence. The mill of exploitation intensified and the exploited class is being crushed in it. Inflation, unemployment and poverty continue to increase despite the stalwarts of the data and the concealment of the truth by the pet midia. After the court orders, this naked truth of the funding of the electoral donations has come out that the state is involved in the service of the exploitative class who donate to the parties and to win the election, all kinds of methods, price, punishment and distinction It takes support For the state of power, those who raise their voices work to fight among themselves, to spread the lies and to suppress just struggles through the army and police. It has become completely clear that there are 5 percent robbers on one side and 95 percent of the commers on the other side and even today there is a declared-undeclared war going on between them.
Bhagatsingh, Rajguru and Sukhdev also wrote in a letter to the Governor of Punjab three days before the gallows about this – ‘ this war will continue until the powerful man is on the means of income of the Indian public and the workers Will maintain his monopoly, whether such persons are British capitalists, British rulers or Indians all over. ’ At the end of the letter he confidently declared that ‘ this war will be finally fought in the near future and then it will be a decisive war. Imperialism and capitalism are guests of some time. ’
Is our responsibility to fulfill the dream of revolutionaries and to pursue the idea of creating their socialist India. The day of martyrdom is not just a day to remember his martyrdom, memory and life, but also a day to remember his thoughts and his dreams. It is the day to move forward with the resolution to be implemented.
Bhagatsingh, Sukhdev and Rajguru as well as Avatarsingh ‘Pash’ have a martyrdom day to consider these issues. On this occasion, a gathering has been held at the Durga Nursery Garden at 5.30 pm on 23 March 2024 in which you are invited along with comerades.
Martyrdom Day Celebration Committee, Udaipur
Contact – D.s.Paliwal, Mo.9950355191

D.S. Paliwal
Shahadat Diwas Samaroh Samiti, Udaipur
(Maryrs Day celebration Committee, Udaipur.)