By Jayantha Das

Nikhila Odisha NREGA Shramik Sangha Balikuda Block level Meeting held on 25th February 2023. The meeting resolved to enroll all the NREGA Job Card Holders of Each Gram Panchayat as member of Nikhila Odisha NREGA Shramik Sangha. The meeting has decided to make Odisha Assembly Gherao on 13th March 2023 demanding 250Days Job Guarranty per annum with a Minimum wages of Rupees 7 Hundred Per Day, NRGA workers welfare Board be Constituted and provide Health Care facilities for NREGA Workers Family, Children Education Assistance, Daughter Marriage Assistance, Rupees 3 Thousand Pension per month from attainment of 60 Years of Age, Rupees 5Lakh Death Compansation to the Family keens of any NREGA Worker etc.