Friedrich Engels. The eternal comrade

By José Miguel Gándara C. La Marx Spain

On August 5, humanity was commemorating, because it was 129 years since the death of one of the most brilliant minds not only of the 19th century, but of the entire corpus of Marxist thought.

On August 5, 1895, a scientific communist, co-author of the founding works of unionism, socialism and communism, Friedrich Engels, died in London, England.

This had seen the light in Barmen, Prussia, on November 28, 1820, he was born into a bourgeois family, since it owned a good number of textile industries in the Rhineland.

The insistence of Engels’s father that he dedicate himself to the family businesses gave him the opportunity to learn first-hand the perverse ins and outs of capitalism and its economic practices.

What is communism?

Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat.

II.What is the proletariat?

The proletariat is the social class that obtains its means of subsistence exclusively from the sale of its labor, and not from the income of any capital; It is the class whose joys and sorrows, life and death and all existence depend on the demand for work, that is, on the periods of crisis and prosperity of business, on the fluctuations of unbridled competition.

Principles of communism. Friedrich Engels

From his youth, he felt strongly attracted to the thought of Hegel, a previous step for many Marxists, and this helped him abandon his deep-rooted religious convictions and embark on the path of a much more rational thought aligned with the Marxist orthodoxy of the moment.

While in Brussels he was part of what was known as the “League of the Righteous”, a clandestine revolutionary organization founded in Paris in 1836 and composed, fundamentally, of German emigrants belonging to the League of the Outlaws that carried the motto of “All the Righteous”. men are brothers.”

Later, and everyone knows, his participation, together with Karl Marx, in the writing of “Capital”, which would have great success among the world working class, becoming an authentic resolution and political program of communism, a manifesto, in praise of communist praxis.

Also, and this must be highlighted, he was the author of works of no less importance such as “The Peasant Wars in Germany”, “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” and “From Utopian Socialism to Scientific Socialism”, among others. .

The modern state is nothing but a committee that manages the common problems of the bourgeois class.

When it is possible to speak of freedom, the State as such will cease to exist.

F. Engels

When we have the opportunity to read any of Friedrich Engels’ texts, whether they are long texts or simple quotes, we notice his capacity for political, sociological, anthropological, economic analysis, even a certain prophetic capacity, in the secular sense of course, because he anticipates in many years in discerning and analyzing the true nature of the bourgeois democracies that grip and oppress us today, in unraveling their true goals and objectives, their authentic political substance and the role of Trojan horse among the ranks of the people and the working class in general, leading it to a state of alienation such that it loses real class consciousness and adopts a false consciousness, that of the different bourgeoisies.

From La Marx España we wanted to recognize him as an eternal comrade, to whom we can always turn in moments of doubt or weakness.
