Why the current crisis in Pakistan?

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Prof. Ameer Hamza Virk

Many political scholars agree that most post-colonial nations have failed to achieve full independence, as imperial powers continued to issue policy directives to their subordinate ruling elites. What we also call modern neo-colonialism in political language. In third world countries, whenever a popular political leader raised his voice against modern colonial powers, establishment or exploitative forces, he got a lot of praise.

Polarization occurs when a society splits into different factions at the extremes, without a coherent middle ground. Polarization is shaking societies around the world, from new democracies to long-established democracies. In recent years, we’ve seen the United States split between red and blue in line with the split between Republicans and Democrats. Polarization is affecting the world from Turkey to India, from Brazil to the US. This is not only a problem of the developing world but also of the developed world. The same thing is happening in Pakistan – whether one agrees or not. Apart from the capitalist system, only socialist countries (China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea and Laos etc.) are still free from this political polarization, free from the politics of unrest, immorality.  If we viewed in a larger framework, these are the symbols of global, regional and local crises of capitalism.

Marx says that “every class struggle is a political struggle.” So, is every political struggle necessarily a class struggle? I think that every political struggle is not always a class struggle because according to Marx, the class struggle of every era in between oppressor and oppressed or superior and inferior classes.

  What are the negative features of the capitalist system?

 That capitalism is inherently exploitative, alienating, unstable, unsustainable, and creates massive economic inequality, commoditizes people, and is anti-democratic and leads to the erosion of human rights and national sovereignty; whereas it takes the form of imperialism. Capitalism creates an inherent class conflict between capital and labor. It creates vast disparities in wealth and social inequality. Unequal conditions lead to poverty and unemployment for some. And the most important thing is that capitalism creates corruption and corruption in the pursuit of profit and wealth.

After the creation of human society, since the society took the form of a classes, society was divided into three major classes (rich, middle and poor).  The structure of human society did not change into any one class. It can be done but after the advent of the capitalist system, corruption started on a large scale. The growth of social classes in a capitalist society depends on the extent of corruption. The more corruption there is, the more social classes will be created. When corruption flourishes, it is an unusual situation in society. As corruption increases in society, corrupt communities are organized and UN necessary social classes are created. And the middle class seems to be the most fragmented in the country where the corruption rate is very high. As a result of this corruption many new class forms and characteristics have been born.

As corruption creates additional social classes, it also creates gangsters and mafias. Gangsters and mafias have the most influence in the city and border areas. If gangsters are active, the legal system of this country becomes dysfunctional. This mafia system developed in Europe. From European countries it has spread to all developing countries of the world. This means that gangsters have also joined the structure of the society. This section forms a group of anarchist leaders and such leaders defend the hooligans.

At present, in the developing countries, the old social structure is being destroyed and a new one is emerging. Therefore, these countries face various social problems. Division of social class and creation of new sub-classes hinders social progress. Therefore, the transformation of social classes into more social classes should be controlled. If we maintain the traditional class system in any society or move towards a non-class society, we will achieve all-round development of the society. It is believed that the problem of further fragmentation and creation of new class can be controlled by anti-corruption.

 Like capitalist countries all over the world, Pakistani society also seems to be creating extra classes outside the natural structure. This unnaturally formed organ is called a tumor in medical science. If we look at it from an analytical point of view, all types of mafias, elements of the establishment, ultra upper class, and large number of upper classes in Pakistan are in the same category. It is not possible to analyze the current state of anarchism without keeping the class structure of Pakistani society. There is also a sign of a weakening position in the Middle East, political parties almost always articulate the collective interests of their core support base and in a democratic polity. They develop some ideology to attract voters, so that they can hold power. For example, it is assumed that the PPP mainly represents the landed elite, while the PML (N)’s main support was the large and medium businessmen. Workers and farmers do not have their own mainstream party in Pakistan. So they were “coerced” or persuaded to support and vote for big landlords or merchants.

The third force that entered Pakistani politics in the form of Tehreek-e-Insaf, it is the representative force of the social mafias and tumors that have been created as a result of decades of corruption in the same global capitalist system.  in the creation of this force, the support of the civil bureaucratic, military bureaucracy, judicial establishment, and all the mafias that had arisen as additional classes in our society as a result of corruption. but this experiment was a complete failure, should also be noted. That such failed experiments have been done in many countries and the latest example is that of Mr. Trump in the United States.

The following reasons may be for the failure of this experiment –

The role of this representative force of additional classes in Pakistani society emerged as an unexpected and incredible factor.

The political parties representing the traditional social forces of Pakistani society have created an effective and lively platform in the form of PDM.

Tehreek-e-Insaf, the representative of additional classes, proved to be an anarchist force in terms of its class character, from which all the regional states and Pakistan’s global alliance forum began to shun Tehreek-e-Insaf as well as its creators, mafias and especially the establishment.

It is also certain that Pakistan has an importance on the world stage and American imperialism has a lot of influence in Pakistan’s internal politics. Just as American imperialism is retreating globally, so its position in Pakistan’s internal affairs is weakening. After taking power, Pakistan’s current regime was clearly leaning towards China, Russia, Iran, etc. So Uncle Sam lined up his weakening faction in the Pakistani establishment, the judicial establishment and other mafias in support of Imran Khan. But by then it was too late.

China reconciled Saudi Arabia and Iran and other parties in the Middle East and made it easier for the Pakistani establishment to decide against Imran Khan, because first the Pakistani establishment  have to deal separated with the United States and Saudi Arabia. The side issues had to be settled. Now Saudi Arabia’s alliance with the China-Russia bloc has given the Pakistani establishment the same support as Jamal Nasser or Gaddafi had the support of the Soviet Union against the United States. But the Pakistani establishment is very; experienced so she will try hard to maintain balance between US and China even after uprooting her own plant.

source – https://redsite.pk/
